UCLA Center for Friendship Research

UCLA Center for Friendship Research

Where To Study Friendship?
Adult friendship is often overlooked in social science research. We aim to help the next generation of scientists find mentors who will springboard their futures in friendship research.
Some disclaimers: The list is in its infancy. It also focuses on adult friendships. That said, we're happy to include any developmental researchers who want to be listed!
If you are a friendship researcher (or if you know a friendship researcher) who wants to be on this list, email jaimie.krems@ucla.edu (with subject line: Add Friendship Researcher). We aim to update this page monthly.
Psychology + Neuroscience
Boise State University
Brigham Young University
Carleton College
Hamilton College
Harvard University
Michigan State University
Murdoch University
Northumbria University
Simon Fraser University
Stanford University
SWPS University
Aleksandra Szymków-Sudziarska.
Texas A & M - San Antonio
University of Bath
University of California, San Deigo
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of Chicago
University of Guelph (Canada)
University of Liverpool
University of Miami
University of Minnesota
University of Nicosia (Greece)
University of North Carolina
University of Oxford
University of Pennsylvania
University of Rochester
University of Victoria
University of Winnepeg
Anthropology, Communication, + Sociology
Colorado State University
University of Groningen
Illinois State University
Penn State University
University Kansas
University of California, Santa Barbara
University Mohammed VI Polytechnic
Animal Behavior, Ecology